Hail! Queen of Peace, Hail! Mother of the Eucharist, Hail! Mystical Rose, Hail! Blessed Virgin Mary!
Behold Your son, O Blessed Mother, I fall at Your holy feet in veneration of Your purity. I kiss Your Holy hands for with them You did so tenderly caress the Christ child. I salute Your Holy womb for in it did my Lord repose for nine months.
O Mary, You are my Mother. You are the glorious spouse of the Holy Spirit, Who in His goodness has filled You abundantly, even from Your Immaculate Conception, with grace.
Ave, Gratia Plena!
Knowing this and with full confidence in God’s providence and in Your maternal love for me I cast myself at Your feet.
Please in your kindness O happy Virgin Mother pray for me that I may receive into my soul through Your perfumed hands, the precious grace of purity to prepare my soul to be a temple of the Holy Spirit. Pray that I may receive the gift of wisdom to know God, the gift of reverence to love God, and the gift of fortitude to persevere in His service all the days of my life.
I beg you, O joyful Mother, to instruct me in the way of holiness as You did so eagerly instruct Jesus, so I too may love God my Father with all my heart, all my mind, all my strength and all my soul. Above all O Queen Mother of happiness and peace, when that blessed moment arrives where I shall receive into my very soul the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Son and my Lord Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist, I implore You to embrace me and teach me to appreciate the gift of having God dwell within me as He did dwell within You.
Lastly Virgin Mother, I beseech You to keep your mantle of love ever surrounding my heart so I may not forfeit the Joy, Love and peace that God wishes to inject into my soul by receiving Him at Holy Communion.
All these intentions I ask with full confidence despite my infinite wretchedness for I trust in Your tender love for me, Your unworthy, but eternally grateful son. AMEN
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